LM60 Lamella Plate Settler

Designed to effectively remove suspended solids from liquids. They can be used for variable solid loads and fine solid sizes, and are excellent for pre-treatment applications.
Maximize Efficiency
Improved Safety
Fully Customisable
  • Description and Specifications

  • Features and Benefits

  • Applications

Don’t Settle for Less: Achieve Advanced Water Clarification with the LM60 Lamella Plate Settler

The Lamella Plate Settler utilises advanced inclined plate technology to optimise settling conditions within each unit. This innovative design ensures maximum removal of suspended solids and contaminants with a minimal footprint.

Liquimech lamella plate settler effectively removes:

  • Grit
  • Metals
  • Suspended solids
  • Settleable matter (silt)
  • Solids-laden surface runoff
  • Groundwater contaminants
  • Floating materials (organics and oils)

Liquimech lamella plate settler can also be fitted (upon request) with an automatic sludge removal system, ensuring virtually maintenance-free operation.

Nominal Design Flow Rate 40m³/hr
Max. Hydraulic Flow Rate 80m³/hr
Hydraulic Separation Area 40m²
Sludge Thickening Area 3.3m²
Sludge Hopper Capacity 2.2m³
Dimensions (LxWxH) 2.9m x 2.1m x 2.6m
Dry Shipping/Operating Weight 2.4/9.8 Tonnes
Influent Connection
  • 4” BSP Female Threaded Socket
  • 4” Female Bauer
Treated Water Connection DN150 PN10 Flange/ 6” Male Bauer
Sludge Hopper Outlet DN100 PN10 Flange/ 4” Male Bauer
Clarifier Body S275 Mild Steel
Inclined Plates PVC
Surface Preparation Mild steel shot blasted to min. SA2.5
Primer 75micron, min. d.f.t 2 pack high solids zinc-rich epoxy primer (Interzinc 52HS by International Protective Coatings)
Top coat 100micron, min. d.f.t 2 Pack high build epoxy finish (Interguard 410 by International Protective Coatings)

How does the Lamella Plate Settler work?

Lamella plate settler is a sedimentation tank that utilises:

  • Inclined Plates: To separate solid particles from liquid. These plates (Inclined Plate Settlers or IPS) are arranged to increase the unit’s effective settling area.
  • Conical Sludge Hopper: To allow accumulation of settled solids.

Lamella plate settler works on the principle of gravity separation. Our lamella plate settlers can handle feed water in a variety of conditions with a high concentration of suspended solids. Separation outcomes will vary depending on the quality of the feed water and the pollutants present.

  1. The feed water enters the lamella settler from the top inlet channel and flows to the separator’s bottom.
  2. The water is led back to the top, passing through the lamellas along the way, where the solid particles settle.
  3. Treated water rises to the top and passes through a weir to reach the outlet.
  4. The sludge is collected in the sludge funnel as it slides down the lamellas.

A rabble rake can be fitted to prevent sludge caking in the conical hopper. At regular periods, the sludge is exported.

lamella clarifier

Lamella plate settlers are considered one of the best pre-treatment solutions ahead of more complex treatment technologies.

If you have a specific requirement, we offer custom water clarification systems.

Liquimech lamella plate settlers can be configured as single or multiple units for gravity separation and discharge-to-sewer applications.

Liquimech lamella plate settlers can also be supplied as part of a complete, tailored, packaged treatment solution such as dewatering systems, pipe flow calculators, and dosing systems.

Compliance with Standards
Ensures safe water discharge, meeting rigorous Australian Standards and protecting the environment from contamination. LM60 Lamella Plate Settlers have no moving parts, and are high durable, complying with ISO Standards.
Small Footprint, Large Settlement Area
Achieves rapid particle settlement and water clarification with our lamella plate settler’s compact design.
Modular Design
Liquimech lamella plate settler units can be linked together to accommodate a wide range of flows, pump sizes, and particles.
Extendable Legs
Allowing for height adjustments to facilitate gravity discharge in lamella settler systems
Removable Skid and Multiple Discharge Outlets
With no moving parts, the Liquimech lamella plate settler unit empties via gravity, simplifying maintenance and operation.
Compact Design
Readily transportable, enabling up to 4 units per truck, ideal for various deployment needs.
Laminar flow
Liquimech lamella plate settlers are designed to encourage laminar flow throughout the unit. Gravity assists the flocculated/settleable solids to settle on the lamella plates and collect in the sludge collection hopper at the bottom of the clarifier.
Single Hopper, Large Settlement Area
Our lamella plate settlers are fast, simple to set up, and easy to operate.
Auto De-sludge System
Minimises downtime and maintenance, ensuring continuous process with a timer that removes settleable particles. No cleaning is required on a daily or weekly basis.
Oil-Water Separator
Liquimech lamella plate settlers can be configured to enhance overall treatment capability.
Flash Mixer
Enables effective chemical coagulation and flocculation within the system.
Prevents excess sludge from accumulating in the hopper.

LM60 Lamella plate settlers are ideal for industrial mobile water treatment and wastewater treatment.

Main industries and applications:

  • Pulp and paper industry
  • Gravel and sand industry
  • Recycling industry
  • Chemical industry – purification and thickening
  • Energy industry / cooling water
  • Iron and steel industry, mill scale removal
  • Wet scrubber and slaking effluents in the power industry
  • Thickening processes in the chemical, mining and mineral industries
  • Industrial process water
  • Tunneling / construction sites
  • Glass / ceramics / natural stone
  • Waste / landfill / street-cleaning
  • Wheel wash systems
  • Treatment of water in power plant dust scrubbers
  • Backwash water treatment
  • Municipal water treatment Systems
  • Pre-water treatment
  • Tailings treatment
  • Waterway rehab projects
  • Primary and secondary settling
  • Metal finishing – treatment of metal surfaces
  • Metal hydroxide wastewater
  • Pressure/vacuum filtrate clarification
  • Purification in biological cleaning processes

clean water

Tips to Maximise the Performance of Your Lamella Plate Settler:

  1. Consider flow rate: Base the lamella plate settler’s flow rate on your wastewater’s maximum flow. Exceeding this may affect performance.
  2. Choose the correct size: Size the lamella settlers based on maximum flow and expected solids. Incorrect sizing may lead to solids overflow.
  3. Monitor sludge level: Regularly check and remove sludge to prevent overflow and maintain efficiency.
  4. Weir inspection: Inspect the weir to prevent solids from escaping with clarified liquid, ensuring effective treatment.
  5. Inspect inlet and plates regularly: Check inlet and inclined plate to prevent clogging and ensure proper wastewater flow and solids overflow.

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