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Liquimech Vehicle Access Platforms are designed and engineered to provide safe access to pumps and motors on trailers for maintenance personnel to undertake maintenance tasks safely and effectively. Liquimech can assist with all access systems for any project ensuring personnel can undertake tasks in a safe and efficient manner.
As with all Liquimech custom solutions, our Vehicle Access Platform are designed and engineered on a project specific basis, ensuring all site specifics and outcomes are met. Designed & engineered to AS1657 our solutions are modular to facilitate ease of transport and fast & minimalistic assembly.
Provides safe and convenient access to tanks and liquid storage bodies for operation, inspection, and maintenance.
Designed to safely and efficiently transport workers to difficult-to-reach and elevated work areas.
Consists of platforms, stairs, and handrails designed for safe and seamless navigation across complex piping networks.
Liquimech works alongside leading brands in mining, agriculture, and civil works to deliver equipment that’s custom-built to overcome any liquid management issue. Complete your project on time, within budget all the while maximizing safety on-site and minimising blowouts.
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