

Standpipe Systems

Ranging from 4.2 to 8.5 metres and featuring a patented folding design for rapid deployment in less than 15 minutes, they are also customisable to meet your specific needs.

Heavy Vehicle Standpipes

Designed to accommodate the size and height requirements of large or heavy vehicles in mining or industrial settings.
water truck fill points

Cyclone Rated Standpipes

Engineered to deliver superior stability in the face of severe weather, these standpipes are built to resist the intense winds that would compromise the structural integrity of conventional models.
portable J stand

Galvanised Portable J Stand

Versatile, durable, and portable. These stands are engineered to withstand high levels of moisture and abrasion.

Standpipe Pump Packages

Designed for safe and rapid filling of water trucks. Their modular design enables strategic installation to ensure easy access and optimal efficiency.

Our Standpipes also have add-on solutions such as:
Standpipe Controllers, Automated Valves, Pump Start & Dosing Systems
For complete control, speak to our expert team today to begin solving your liquid management challenge!

Water Truck Fill Point Standpipes

Water truck fill points come in a variety of styles and methodologies, dependent on the application, Standpipes can come in a variety of forms.

Standpipes in some areas know a “standpipe” as a freestanding pipe that is fitted with a tap which dispenses water to areas which do not have a running water supply. In Australia, however, predominately a standpipe is known as a water truck fill point. Water truck fill points come in a variety of styles and methodologies dependent on the application, Stand-pipes can come in a variety of forms which will be clarified below. Water truck fill standpipes are split into two main groups; Fixed or Portable.

water truck fill points
j stand water truck fill points

Portable/Movable Standpipe Systems

Hydrant Standpipes are most commonly an upstand that connects directly to mains water using a special key supplied by the local governing body. This particular style of water truck fill normally utilises hoses to connect the stand-pipe to the base of the water tanker or water cart. These units are widely used for applications where water is required infrequently from any particular location.

Another form of portable water truck fill points are Overhead water Truck fill Points which there are two main varying types, one of which are also commonly called overhead water towers, Portable Water Systems or Watercart filling stations all variants of this type of over-head water truck fill all have one thing in common a large body of water is suspended above ground level and gravity is used to fill the water truck below. These types of systems are predominantly fed from another water source at ground level by pump on a float switch to replenish water stocks.

The most common portable over-head truck fill point or otherwise known as J Stands, Stand-pipes or portable standpipes are of varied makes and generally consist of bolted connections which flat pack and are erected on-site. You will find these units on any major civil or road project. These systems are normally fed by a pump which provide a constant flow to the water truck.

If you would like to see which unit is best for your application, please see our whitepaper here.

View Our Standpipe Video

Liquimech Group provides the largest range of overhead truck fill standpipes including; trailer mounted stand pipes, Cyclone Rated stand pipes, Fixed Standpipes and rapidly deployable foldable standpipes in the world.

Watch our video to learn more about Liquimech’s Standpipe solutions.

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Liquimech provides end-to-end support from design, sourcing, manufacture, hand-over, and ongoing support and maintenance.


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